Wednesday 2 June 2010

So long!

Here are the initials of some very special people who I didn't know one year ago today. These same people have made my year, without a doubt.

A-CM(sex) AE(inspiration) AF(bon) BP(fifteens) C7(everyone) CH(real) CR(cider) DK(jazz) EW(bam) GB(cider) GM(chillin') GM(pater) GR(boat) HD(sex) IF(marina) JK(globalization) JM(alcohol) JW(marina) LJ(tennis?) LP(genovia) LP(bristol) MR(marina) MB(tescos) NE(sniff) O1(insane) PB(squire) PC(lol) RK(banter) SH(ethno-hig) SR(eyeyy) WC(sniff)

If your initial is not there it either means I don't like you or I actually forgot you - how dire.

Yeah yeah, you KNOW what my initials would be... KW(poo) OK, OK, I get the joke, now let's just leave that and the fact that this blog is simply here to hide the previous blog. Did I ACTUALLY post that as a blog? Apparently I did.

But that aside, I'm serious guys - I'm going to miss you all so much! You all mean so much to me - I have never met people so strangely interesting and beautifully marvellous as your fine selves.

I am shedding a little tear as I write this.

So, yeah... fare to the well... good to the bye... see to the yah... au to the revoir... so to the long. Until the next time, you chunks of brie in a box of dairy lea... flakes of gold in a piece of shit... butterflies in a swamp of frogs...

I do love you.

1 comment:

  1. can't believe i missed out on saying goodbye. fancy catching a bus at 5 tomorrow morning to dublin with me? ha.
    shall miss you wallis. get skype. we can have some cyber rants/bants.
    love you more than life itself.
